Posts tagged s02
Special Edition: Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi, Ce Soir? Rerun

The gals were gifted a video by an interested party (Interested in getting to “know” Katherine better that is.)

In episode 35 the gals are intrigued by the concept of clarifying the meaning of sex with your new partner prior to having sex. “What does it mean to you to have sex with me?” With this question the Gals explore many different meanings people can attach to having sex.

The timing is perfect to contemplate this topic as Katherine is waxed and ready to see where her hot date will lead. Will they decide to just snuggle? Will breakfast be expected in the morning? Or will sex for one of them be too much of a commitment? Is it just fun or is there a spiritual experience behind it!

Stay tuned…

As for Krista, she wonders how these important questions can be used in an existing relationship to enhance a sexual partnership that has many miles on the road!

Check out “The Other Safe Sex Conversation” by Steve Bearman from the Interchange Counseling InstituteSpread the love. 

Krista Kims02
Special Edition: A Taste Of Alison Armstrong Rerun

In this season 2 rerun episode, Alison Armstrong is in the house ya’llll!!!! Well, not exactly in the house but this Queen of Understanding Men, is chatting it up with the Gals of Holy F and giving them the lowdown on some of her hottest partnership secrets. She is sharing some of her newest material with the most illuminating partnership “must knows!” Some of the biggest surprises are revealed near the end of the episode, so don’t miss it!

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.”Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

In episode 29, Alison discusses some of her newest partnership ideas to help couples become the most honest and authentic versions of themselves.

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.” Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

The gals have some stunning a-ha moments about some of their biggest relationship mistakes as Alison describes the difference between “I decide” relationships and “we decide” partnerships. This concept, which was new to the gals and might be to you too, is literally a game changer. Listen to the surprise hilarity of it when Krista and Katherine realize it exists within their own podcast partnership.

Alison illuminates the different outcomes of enduring your relationship over many years, versus experiencing partnership by choice. What is the alternative to endurance anyway? Should we give peace a chance? Oftentimes we preach peace but is it really okay to “keep the peace” in relationships? And how is keeping the peace different in partnership?

Alison schools the gals about how “peace keeping” is actually a pattern of enduring where people are crossing their fingers hoping the other person will change. Sound familiar? Ready to learn how to change that pattern? Does it sound more fun to have a deeper connection and partner with someone? Listen to this epic episode to get the tools to better understand your relationship and maybe even decide you need to be schooled in partnership too!

Spread the love.

Krista Kims02
Special Edition: Cheater Cheater Rerun

In this rerun episode, Katherine and Krista interview Sharon Pope and all sorts of things come to light!

Sharon is a certified Master Life Coach and Seven-Time #1 International Best-Selling Author on love and relationships. She has been featured in many publications including the New York Times, and is most recently the author of Stay or GoHow to Find Confidence and Clarity, So You Can Fix Your Marriage, or Move Forward Without Regret!

Sharon has developed somewhat of a specialty as a non-judgmental coach who can hear her client’s stories of betrayal and cheating. Are they the same thing? What is really beneath the decision to “step out?” Listen as the gals relate their own experiences and those of others they know while Sharon sorts through lots of juicy questions and has some brilliant nuggets to give the podcast listeners! Discover the role of intuition on the “cheating journey.”

 Krista has some good pearls of wisdom that has Sharon taking notes as the conversation steers towards empowerment and speaking up for our needs.

The Gals conversation leads to questions of: What is an affair anyway? Does “just the tip” count? Is an affair the kiss of death? What is the juicy secret that is necessary for reconciliation? 

 With close to 50% of women and 60% of men admitting to what they call cheating, The Gals are thinking that many our audience will have some of these questions too!💋

Krista Kims02
Special Edition: Blue Lips Sink Ships Rerun

In this rerun episode 15, (one of the gals favorite episodes from season 2) the gals say “hell no” to compromise as they talk romance, sacrifice, and the inevitable outcome of resentment. Many of us ladies (and men too) grew up learning to sacrifice our needs for the good of others. Why is it considered “nice” to sacrifice for others when all it does is hurt them (and for sure us!) in the end? 

Katherine has a big ask for Mr. Delicious. Does he say yes to her request out of obligation or does he find a way to consciously provide for her needs and his? This is where *Power Coupling Katherine’s first book, starts to take hold. Her position (!), is that both partners can truly be empowered and in Love! 

Krista on the other hand finds herself knowingly sacrificing her needs by justifying, justifying, justifying her sex life away! How long will she continue this tendency before the resentment sets in? OR is the resentment already there? 

Listen to the gals uncover the damage that is done when we sacrifice even a tiny spec of ourselves for love. When we refuse to sacrifice, the sex gets hot and no one has blue lips (or blue balls anymore!) * Katherine’s book Power Coupling; Coming Together When Things are Falling Apart available now Free as an eBook on her website! .


Krista Kims02
Special Edition: Stop Chopping The Balls Rerun

In this rerun of episode 7 the Gals talk balls… well, emasculating them that is…

Katherine and Krista dive into the reasons they find themselves emasculating their partners and the ways it is so NOT SEXY! Does it really make us safer to bring our men down or does it leave us exposed and wanting?

The Gals discuss what you call it when you take women out of the feminine. E-feminate? Maybe not… but it sounded good in the moment.

While Krista and Katherine relate sexually as heterosexual women in their relationships, they discuss how the masculine and feminine is present in all of us in differing amounts and with differing needs.

Listen to hear what the Gals discover is a great alternative to emasculation and actually leaves their men capable of ravaging them (in the best way) … And… more importantly, them wanting it.

What else do the The Gals want? A tiny break to regroup so they have sent themselves on Spring Break for the next couple of weeks. But while they bask in the sun, they are counting on Y’all to Spread the Love ~www.holyf*💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep40: Altered States

Have you ever had an experience in an altered state that revealed new information that changed your current reality? 

In episode 40, the gals explore their inter dimensional journeying through shamanic experiences and plant based medicine trips. Since Krista’s summer travel plans have been postponed, she takes it upon herself to create a “staycay” experience that proves to be out of this world. No need to travel the world to have this type of trip!  Katherine on the other hand discusses a shamanic adventure that clued her in to a hidden lineage that was influencing her from beneath the surface. As Krista releases some of the controlling, puritanical joy killers from her past lives, and Katherine integrates her newly revealed lineage, they are able to reclaim their ancestral “Queens,” and put themselves back in charge as the CEO’s of their lives. 

The gals also announce a change that has been a long time coming! As they are integrating lifetimes of female lineage into their current realities they are synchronistically 

beginning the integration of the Holy Fuck Podcast with the Two Gals Soul School. Follow along as the cosmic experiences provide generational healing through the art of Forgiveness.

Maybe you have a “staycay” of your own awaiting you! 

Speaking of which, The Gals have sent themselves on Spring Break for the next couple of weeks. As we toss you a kiss we are counting on Y’all to Spread the Love ~www.holyf*💋

Krista Kims02
Special Edition: Back On The Horse Rerun

In this blast from the past episode, the gals take you back in time to one of their favorite episodes from Season 1.

Krista and Katherine are changing places in the open heart department as Katherine’s last few weeks have left her heart deeply open and Krista’s experiences have left her cold, cold, cold. But not cold enough to keep her from getting back on the horse! Noticing that there may be a sense of addiction in some of the Gals past love choices, Krista adopts the Way of the Ethical Slut and turns what could be a girl’s oxytocin nightmare into a balancing act with the most important rule yet. Her partner gets politely admonished not to “fall in love” and told that it’s all about the sex baby! Find out how this all plays out and best of all, find your own rules! 

Spread the Love.💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep39: Safety First

This week the Gals go on a journey of Safety and discover how that contributes to a woman’s experience of Love. 

Since safety is a big topic for all of us during this Covid-19 time, Katherine and Krista are guided to share their caring, compassion and love for all who are experiencing many different and sometimes very challenging situations as the quarantine unfolds. 

Krista is continuing her latest exploration with the men in her life, while Katherine is lead to ask the question “What is it that really makes us feel loved?”

Luckily for Krista, her experience of the quarantine has been more like Spring Break 2020 within the walls of her own house! How has she learned to love herself enough to enjoy the sexy gifts and bounty of pleasure surrounding her during this very complicated time? As she explores what is important to her from the two men in her life, the threesome is taken by a surprise on their journey that they might not have seen coming! Listen as Krista stays current and honest in her exploration of polyamory, and honoring herself while being curious about what is really true for her. What will bring her the most love?

As the Gals feel into their bodies for moments of safety, where does Mr. Delicious come out smelling like a rose, offering Katherine a true sense of safety and loving?

In the end, with many twists and turns along the way, the Gals invite their listeners to consider, “What does it take to feel safe, honor yourself and your safety to fully know when you feel loved? Krista and Katherine desire that all their listeners know this for themselves. Bless you. You are worthy of safety and love. 

Spread the Love.💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep38: Unwavering

Are you a pro at maintaining your center even in the face of adversity? Neither are the gals but they definitely have some tips and tools at how to strengthen your inner knowing so that you can remain centered in the midst of chaos.

 In episode 38, Krista discusses what happened immediately after episode 37 was recorded, that severely challenged her ability to stay true to herself. In the aftermath of her “coming out party” Mr. Right Here Right Now texts that “he’s out!” How did Krista’s open relationship come crashing to an end so soon after she was given the ok to be herself? And what did Golden Eyes have to say about Krista’s request for more than one man in her life? As the struggles of multiple partnerships heat up, Krista tries desperately to remain in her center so that she can stand her ground for her truest desires to be fulfilled.

 Katherine on the other hand was taken by surprise on FB when a pastor whom she had known for 10+ years and previously considered a colleague and a well-respected spiritual leader in her community came unglued and attacked her for being “unsafe.” Even after he began using a variety of unkind, denigrating names and chastising her for her “lack of leadership,” she maintained her composure and requested a more honoring and respectful conversation.  When it was evident that there was no chance for that and the other party was becoming increasingly belligerent, she bowed out of the conversation.

 Allowing herself privately to move through an array of feelings of hurt, anger and sadness, Katherine realized that spurred on from fear and he was expressing his sense of helplessness. In this awareness, she could see that she was being called into her compassion for him, and for all of us when fear drives us to behave in ways that hurt or harm each other. 

It was not easy but Katherine was able to maintain her commitment to seeing with Love and actively demonstrate what it looks like to return to loving even in the midst of a great challenge.

 Tune in to discover how the gals support each other to claim their truth even in the face of denigration and possible public humiliation, and how you can do that too.💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep37: When One Is Not Enough

The Gals are back this Wednesday with more on life and love and how are they are committing to giving us all something to enjoy on lighter side, as a break from our Corona Virus Isolation Lives. 

This topic opens the Gals to a deeper discussion on what is creating your inner wild side and what is it that is building up the pressure behind that. This heads today’s podcast down the road of talking from our Truth. On that note let’s see what trouble Krista and Katherine manage to create as they are attempting to do that more and more in different aspects of their lives.

Even though there aren’t any bars open due to the quarantine, Krista still manages to get herself into some hot water! Can you guess with who??? Not only is Mr. Right Here Right Now on the scene doing some powerful healing with Krista, but another blast from the past comes back to reconnect as the crazy world of corona creates a time of reevaluating what is important in her life.

You guessed it! Golden Eyes is back for another round of healing with Krista and surprisingly, she is game!

With all the healing she is experiencing with Mr. Right Here Right Now, she finally finds her voice with Golden Eyes and begins to share more than ever. Krista goes through some twists and turns as she speaks to Golden Eyes of her past hurts, but this time with less emotion and drama. Golden eyes has found his own way to some healing (Katherine suggests that it is possible that he may even have healed through her healing, even at a distance) and can more easily hear Krista’s pain and be with it, understand it and attempt to work through it with her. 

Luckily the quarantine has forced Krista and Golden Eyes to take space, and rebuild from a non-physical place. This allows for the emotional issues to heal without the pressure of sex being the go-to coping mechanism. 

Although this is amazing growth, Krista suddenly realizes she has created a double life with the two men in her life and needs to clean it up! How does she get what she really wants AND stay connected? Listen to find out what happens as she grapples with her truth and finds her way out of her “situation” and back into integrity with both men.  As she holds her ground and states what she wants from them, Krista finds herself shocked at their responses and happily feeling free! She is thrilled with her newest discovery that it really is ok to be herself. 

We are all in “time-out” right now creating a great time to reflect on our needs and desires. As Krista reveals an inner desire to have both men, she still is secretly hopeful that with time and enough healing with both of these men, One Could Really Be Enough!Spread the love.💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep36: Blinded

In episode 36, the gals step into a new paradigm of podcasting as they join the world via Zoom due to the Coronavirus quarantine. During this episode, Krista and Katherine ponder whether they can truly love the people they care about if their pipes are clogged with the gunk of past hurts and blocking their flow of love.

 As the quarantine becomes our new norm, feelings of isolation are popping up around the globe. What will it take for you to become okay with yourself? And why do we expect other people to be okay with us when we aren’t okay with us? Isolation is just one more opportunity to grow and heal spiritually. Are you ready to dive in and truly experience yourself? The gals explore what it will look like when we eventually return to the land of living. Will we be a new, evolved species or will we quickly return to old patterns and ways of being?

 What does discomfort look like? It’s easy to blame our discomfort in life on other people but now that the gals are alone, they realize the discomfort is still there, reflecting back to them that it is an internal issue not an external one. There’s no longer anyone to blame it on! 

 As Krista has been ruminating on past hurts with Golden Eyes, she realizes that in the rumination she is showing herself that she isn’t fully healed. Just as she accepts the need to continue healing, Golden Eyes serendipitously returns to listen and heal the past wounds. The beauty is that Krista had the opportunity to finally express herself without the fear or expectation from the past. She softens her words, and enjoys witnessing how the “content” of what she has been wanting to express was more easily heard. 

Katherine is enjoying opening more fully into her loving with Mr. Deliciousness now that she is pulling back the veil that has been blinding her from his magnificence.

Spread the love.💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep35: Endurance

In Episode 35 The Gals dive deeper into Endurance and the awarenesses that are discovered at 99% fulfillment mark! 

As Katherine and Mr. Delicious sort out that they have been operating from fear and protecting themselves … they have to admit that they are unfortunately in a Relationship. Why is that a problem? The two of them are 100% going for partnership and are honestly invested in the benefits of committing to what partnership can bring. So you can imagine it’s a shock for them to realize that they have let their egos take over and have given into the rules of survival. While the Ego is Large and in charge with these two everything they have worked for is on the line.

Listen as the Gals explore what it took to shift into their partnership again ~ Mr. Delicious steps into the Strong Masculine and the powerful deliciousness that is produced when he holds his ground, extrapolates his learning, and creates a massive, healing experience for Katherine. What was the essential ingredient that Katherine had to provide for herself in order to open that door? It’s the secret of partnership, and you can hear all about it in this eye opening episode on whether we are enduring our relationships or fully blossoming in partnership in the magic. 

Spread the LOVE y’all ~ Katherine and Krista



Krista Kims02
S2 Ep34: Spread the Love

Has your stability been shaken?

In Episode 34, the gals take on the spiritual perspective of the challenges of the corona virus and how it is creating the need for the mass consciousness of the planet to get on board the love train. With the world being affected globally in ways that are hard for people to comprehend, Katherine and Krista offer some support and tips on how to consciously move through this challenge and more effortlessly navigate the fear, stress, and anxiety of the unknown. While Krista compares the virus to the Ego, Katherine leads us through loving the virus to non-existence.

Disclaimer: This episode was recorded a week ago and as you know things have amped up a lot since then but this week’s episode has too many goodies in it to keep it silent so Katherine and Krista are embracing whatever perfection is unfolding and releasing it anyway. They want you to know that as things have gotten more serious so have they about all this. And yes, of course they are encouraging everyone to follow what our local, state and government officials are asking us to do to keep everybody as safe and as healthy as possible. With all that said, this episode contains tips and perspective on how you might want to go through your days and make some choices that are particular to your situation. The Gals hope this gives you the gift of calm and peace (and of course laughter) in this challenging time. ~ And remember to keep in mind while listening to this episode ~ things were quite a bit lighter especially in our little town last week~ take care of yourselves and even if you are quarantined, ♥️ spread the love ~ 


Krista Kims02
S2 Ep32: Mr. Here and Now 2

In Ep:32 we meet Mr. Here and Now! Is he simply the updated version of Golden Eyes/Rico Suave? Or does he have way more in store for Krista? And what does that have to do with Life Busting?

As Krista leans into this “new relationship possibility” she realizes this may not look like anything she has fallen for in the past. Previously she was begging for freedom from monogamy and now that it is here… she is intrigued (and terrified)!

Is she finally getting what she’s been asking for? What is in store for her as she steps out with the “fast” crowd? As she finds herself in a truly open structure, she starts looking around in a bit of a daze. This daze leaves Krista shaking her head as Mr. Here and Now drops hints like “It’s fine to have romantic experiences with more than one person.” 

As she begins to bring this home to herself she starts wondering “Am I wasting my time?” Can Krista have a short term, closed container or is she still bent on creating a thinly veiled box and problems that don’t exist because she is scared of getting exactly what she says she wants?

After 47 years of building “the dream life,” Krista is looking at all the possibilities of “Life Busting,” This will either mean trying to rebuild something familiar or expanding into a life that is totally different and wildly fun. 

Katherine notices that all of this paradigm shifting behavior is on the heels of Krista’s intention of getting clearer about her divorce and new life. Listen and hear the unfolding of Krista’s new commitment to being free and all that she is receiving from it! www.holyf*💋


Krista Kims02
S2 Ep33: What Do You Desire?

In episode 33, the gals discuss the Big “D” word! Nah, not that dirty one you are thinking of! They are talking Desire baby! Is your desire hot fudge sauce or BDSM? 

 When Krista’s newest lover asks her the question, “What do you desire?,” Krista slips down the rabbit hole of discovery! Not only is she shocked that someone is actually asking her what she wants but she is also perplexed that she has no clue what her secret fantasies really are! 

 This quirky episode opens the gals to ponder why they are so squimish to express their sexy desires and what is really necessary in order for those desires to be fulfilled to the max! 

 Listen to find some inspiration for your own desires!


Krista Kims02
S2 Ep32: Mr. Here and Now

In Ep:32 we meet Mr. Here and Now! Is he simply the updated version of Golden Eyes/Rico Suave? Or does he have way more in store for Krista? And what does that have to do with Life Busting?

As Krista leans into this “new relationship possibility” she realizes this may not look like anything she has fallen for in the past. Previously she was begging for freedom from monogamy and now that it is here… she is intrigued (and terrified!)

Is she finally getting what she’s been asking for? What is in store for her as she steps out with the “fast” crowd? As she finds herself in a truly open structure, she starts looking around in a bit of a daze. This daze leaves Krista shaking her head as Mr. Here and Now drops hints like “It’s fine to have romantic experiences with more than one person.” 

As she begins to bring this home to herself she starts wondering “Am I wasting my time?” Can Krista have a short term, closed container or is she still bent on creating a thinly veiled box and problems that don’t exist because she is scared of getting exactly what she says she wants?

After 47 years of building “the dream life,” Krista is looking at all the possibilities of “Life Busting,” This will either mean trying to rebuild something familiar or expanding into a life that is totally different and wildly fun. 

Katherine notices that all of this paradigm shifting behavior is on the heels of Krista’s intention of getting clearer about her divorce and new life. Listen and hear the unfolding of Krista’s new commitment to being free and all that she is receiving from it! www.holyf*💋

Krista Kims02
S2 Ep31: Sex and Self-Betrayal

Have you ever had the thought, “I should want to have sex with my partner…,” when you really don’t? Have you blamed yourself, as in, “What is wrong with me?” when you aren’t feeling juicy towards yourself to your partner?

 The perennial question arises “Should you show up for sex when you aren’t feeling it?

 In Episode 31, Katherine is taking a deep dive into the ways Self-Betrayal shows up in  monogamous relationships. Krista points out that in those relationships we are absolutely led to self-sacrifice as we are trying to keep it together and avoid making waves.

 The Gals talk about all the things that stand between us and our immediate desire ~ some seemingly small and possibly overcome-able, (tired, gassy, or feeling a little skanky?- OR is it really something bigger… 

 Katherine takes a moment to remind us all how she feels about Mr. Delicious and how he may have gotten his name, as she finds herself perplexed by her “not wanting sex” dilemma. She wants to do her part so he feels cared for, loved and respected …and yet, she’s not feelin’ it, ya’ll!

 Are these the choices then? “Self-betrayal-sex” leaving you unhappy OR “no sex” leaving your partner unhappy and putting your relationship to the test? 

 This is when Krista notes the tipping point between relationship and partnership. In relationships, where we are mainly operating from instinct, we might sacrifice ourselves to feel safe, OR let others sacrifice for us.  But in a Partnership, (as Katherine should know after 10,000 years of study with Alison Armstrong) there is no sacrifice allowed.

 So, what to do? 

 As the episode finds Katherine in the bathroom giving herself a sex pep talk, we hear how far she goes to cajole, bribe and push herself out of the bathroom and into the bed. See which cardinal sin of partnership she breaks as she glides into the sheets.

 Did Mr. Delicious get a steamy erotic lover or a Venus Flytrap inviting him in to devour him? (and not in a good way…) Listen to hear what Mr. Delicious did as he tuned in, turned the tides, and allowed Team Delicious to jump back into authentic, intimate expression and ultimately THE SACK!


Krista Kims02
S2 Ep30: Secrets and Lies

In the aftermath of the awareness that Krista has in episode 27 (New Year Fizzle) and 28 (Relationship Roadblocks), Krista has a mind blowing “therapy” session with her soon-to-be ex that has Krista re-evaluating her entire marriage. 

 After five years of attempting to finalize the divorce, Krista realizes that there are too many things left unsaid and that they are blocking the paperwork from being signed. 

Now in episode 30, Krista shares about her experience of getting vulnerable as she straps on her inner steel vagina and goes into a scary discussion with her ex. Is she spiritually prepped for what is about to happen?

 During that discussion a truth was revealed that left Krista reeling! What is the factor that was uncovered (15 years too late) that energetically contributed to the demise of her marriage? When her ex follows that with his reason for not sharing, it makes perfect sense; He doesn’t believe that people can change.  

 The gals discuss that the inevitable outcome of holding our secrets tightly, not letting in the light of day, is that we don’t give anyone the chance to shift or change because we haven’t let them know what is not working for us. How did this effect Krista’s marriage? Listen to find out how this one secret took on a life of its own and slowly weaved its way through twenty years of dating, love, kids, family, marriage and divorce. 

 Does the revelation have Krista plummeting into the depths of confusion or does it free her from the immense guilt she’s been feeling over ruining the family? Katherine quotes the Buddhist saying, “If there is peace, it is done. If there is not peace, then it’s not done.” Has Krista found the peace she needs in order to finally complete the divorce?


Krista Kims02
S2 Special Valentine's Day Episode: Love You

Are you dreading Valentine’s Day? Listen as the Gals of Holy F*ck travel back through Valentine’s Days of old- the good, the bad and the ugly. It is Valentine’s Day week and the Gals have a wacky buffet of love to serve up! 

 As Katherine and Krista look back on their 2019 love journeys, curiosity abounds with how they’ve changed and what they are currently desiring for Valentine’s Day 2020! Katherine reflects on being single for last year’s Valentine’s Day and how her heart opening experience cleared the path for an upcoming, momentous celebration! Learn how last year’s V-Day episode changed the course of Katherine’s life forever.

 2020 Valentine’s Day appears to have a much different plan in store for Krista. As she continues to come into completion around her divorce, learn the secret that might potentially bring her to Valentine’s Day tears. Unless…her new love interest can save the day! When Krista reveals her past, lack of rational thinking, Katherine reminds listeners not to make Krista’s crucial Valentine’s “no-no” which continues to leave her vulnerable and tender this Valentine’s Day. 

 In this episode, Krista introduces her new relationship with “Mr. Here and Now” and the do’s and don’ts of non-attachment “dating.” The gals play around with the idea of expressing yourself authentically, even if it means dropping the “L word” after only one month. Will this topic have Mr. Here and Now running for the hills or will it create the deep intimacy that is necessary in order to make the “Here and Now” a possibility of “Here and Forever?”

 In a sweet declaration of love, the Gals express deep appreciation for all of YOU, their dedicated listeners! Hugs and Kisses as you go on your own journey through Valentine’s Day. May it be full of Self-love, Other Love, and Sex, Baby!


Krista Kims02
S2 Ep29: A Taste Of Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong is in the house ya’ll!!!! Well, not exactly in the house but this Queen of Understanding Men, is chatting it up with the Gals of Holy F*ck and giving them the lowdown on some of her hottest partnership secrets. She is sharing some of her newest material with the most illuminating partnership “must knows!” Some of the biggest surprises are revealed near the end of the episode, so don’t miss it!

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.” Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

In episode 29, Alison discusses some of her newest partnership ideas to help couples become the most honest and authentic versions of themselves. 

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.” Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

 The gals have some stunning a-ha moments about some of their biggest relationship mistakes as Alison describes the difference between “I decide” relationships and “we decide” partnerships. This concept, which was new to the gals and might be to you too, is literally a game changer. Listen to the surprise hilarity of it when Krista and Katherine realize it exists within their own podcast partnership. 

 Alison illuminates the different outcomes of enduring your relationship over many years, versus experiencing partnership by choice.  What is the alternative to endurance anyway? Should we give peace a chance? Oftentimes we preach peace but is it really okay to “keep the peace” in relationships? And how is keeping the peace different in partnership?

 Alison schools the gals about how “peace keeping” is actually a pattern of enduring where people are crossing their fingers hoping the other person will change. Sound familiar? Ready to learn how to change that pattern? Does it sound more fun to have a deeper connection and partner with someone? Listen to this epic episode to get the tools to better understand your relationship and maybe even decide you need to be schooled in partnership  too!

Spread the love. 


Krista Kims02